ILO Training on Evidence-Based Policy Making

02 May 2023, Tuesday

ILO Training on Evidence-Based Policy Making

Evidence-Based Policy Making

Evidence-Based Policy Making: Is it always simple to distinguish between “views” and “evidence”?

ILO will deliver a five-day training to its social partners including governments, trade unions and employers’ organisations on Evidence-Based Policy Making encompassing analytical ways and means for assessment of evidence concerning certain topics on working life. 

Type: Event

Date: 8-12 May 2023

Venue: Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ankara

Currently, policy making has progressively turned into a challenging process due to presence of evidence and interpretations contradicting with one another quite often and problems arising in finding objective evidence, which is acceptable by each person. As is the case for most of us, policy makers are likely to be subject to - through various means - a flow of information  distorted on purpose and misinformation, which may not be intentionally disseminated. Thus, they end up having difficulties in finding a path amid untrue, misleading and contradictory information, which results in proneness to manipulation in an atmosphere where reliable evidence on working life is not, at any time, obviously discerned.  

For this reason, ILO is furthering its endeavours aimed at developing capacities of policy makers in the fields of identifying policies, advocacy and policy making for their better utilisation of evidence concerning issues on working life such as employment and labour force.  

Within this scope, Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Republic of Türkiye and ILO Office for Türkiye and Research Department are organizing “National Training on Evidence-Based Policy-Making for Decent Work” in Ankara on 8-12 May 2023. The training, which is requested by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, is aimed at building capacities of the government and social partners (trade unions and employers’ organisations) in the country for their better utilisation of evidence (research, data, best practice) in the fields of policy making, advocating policies and being influential thereupon, in regards to topics concerning decent work.   

The training includes topics on various methods of research, analytical means, databases, interpretation of data, assessing and synthesizing evidence and better transfer of evidence. These methods are applied, inter alia, on issues such as unregistered employment, social protection, minimum wage, immigration and platform workers. Trainees will prepare policy fact sheets on optional themes and deliver their presentations for training participants. 26 participants in total from various units of MoLSS, trade unions and employers’ organisations will attend the training program organised by Directorate General for Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.    

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