Administrative Units

Departments Affiliated to our General Directorate and Terms of References

Department of Agreements


Duties of the Department of Agreements are as follows:

a) to perform the works necessary for concluding and amending the bilateral agreements with other countries regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility and to ensure coordination among the Ministry’s Central Organization, affiliated and related institutions in respect thereof,

b) to perform the works necessary for becoming a party to the multilateral agreements on the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility in accordance with the views of the Department of International Organizations,

c) to review and to prepare opinions on the agreements, memoranda of understanding, protocols, intention declarations and instruments alike, which are not specified as international agreements and which are to be concluded between the Ministry’s Central Organization along with its affiliated, related institutions and their foreign interlocutors,

ç) to receive opinions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other related public institutions and organizations on the agreements, memoranda of understanding, protocols and instruments alike, which are concerned with the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility and whose studies for being concluded are undertaken by the Ministry,

d) to prepare the information to be submitted to General Directorate concerning all kinds of bilateral agreements between the two countries or ministries on the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility, for which ongoing studies have been undertaken, so that they are concluded or amended,

e) to review the draft agreements on social security, workforce and cooperation, to generate considerations regarding these drafts and to submit them to General Directorate,

f) to perform the works to be performed by General Directorate for concluding the agreements aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two countries or ministries with regard to the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility,

g) to carry out the procedures and transactions on social security, workforce and cooperation agreements in regard to their negotiations with the ministry, institutions or organizations as interlocutors of the other country.

ğ) to perform the works for the amendment of social security, workforce and cooperation agreements currently in force,

h) to perform the works necessary for signing the agreements negotiated, regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility, including steps taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for obtainment of authorization to sign,

ı) to perform the works to be undertaken by the Ministry, which is required to initiate the national ratification process and complete the enforcement procedures related to agreements signed on the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility,  

i) To transmit the information on the already signed agreements and duly enforced agreements to the Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination to be processed in Data Bank; and to transmit all relevant information to the Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination for storage in the Documentation Centre,

j) to ensure coordination among the Ministry’s Central Organization, affiliated and related institutions so as to review and to submit opinions on the agreements including provisions regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility, whose works for being concluded are performed by other Ministries or Institutions,

k) to prepare a follow-up chart concerning the agreements with ongoing processes of negotiation and ratification and to regularly update the developments,

l) to meet the demands for views on the agreements to be concluded by other institutions and organizations, to generate views regarding the agenda of meetings held by “Joint Economic Commission” (JEC) and “High-Level (Strategic) Cooperation Council” and to attend the meetings when necessary,

m) to contribute to the works coordinated by the Department for Services for Citizens Abroad with a view to safeguarding the rights and interests of our citizens living abroad or of those having made absolute return to our country, arising from working life abroad, social security and international law,

n) to contribute to the country files to be prepared by Private Bureau with regard to overseas visits to be paid by the Minister and Senior Executive and reception of foreign delegations,

o) to perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department of European Union Affairs and International Projects


Duties of the Department of European Union Affairs and International Projects are as follows: 

a) to carry out the coordination of the relevant units and institutions of the Ministry on the issues within the field of duty and responsibility of the Ministry, as well as the relevant processes and procedures within the scope of negotiations and harmonisation with the EU acquis,

b) within the scope of cooperation and other activities; to carry out cooperation programmes with the European Union bodies and agencies, to participate and contribute to the strategies, action plans, policy documents, legislation, committee and board activities carried out by the relevant European Union institutions or the units of the Ministry in these fields,

c) to ensure the preparation, coordination, execution and control of the projects and programmes carried out by the Ministry in the field of human resources development with the European Union (except for the funds provided under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, Window 4, First Thematic Priority), foreign countries and international organisations,

d) to perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department of Programming and Monitoring


Duties of the Department of Programming and Monitoring are as follows: 

a) preparing and updating the Operational Programme,

b) to support the preparation of Action Fiche (AF) and Action Document (AD) for the operation ideas submitted by the relevant institutions and to carry out the necessary procedures for the approval of the finalized AFs/ADs,

c) to coordinate the preparation of and to periodically update the Strategic Response for the field of Employment, Education, Social Protection and Inclusion,

ç) to organise and carry out the secretariat of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee meetings held semi-annually with the participation of the European Commission,

d) to prepare Sectoral Annual Reports and Sectoral Final Reports and to submit them to the Directorate for EU Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for submission to the European Commission,

e) to ensure that the Operational Programme is evaluated in accordance with the principles of relevance, efficiency, impact, effectiveness and sustainability,

f) to ensure that direct grant projects with international organisations with which the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey is a contracting party in the field of Employment, Education, Social Protection and Inclusion under Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance III are implemented in line with the programme objectives,

g) to ensure necessary coordination and cooperation with the Institution Responsible for Financial Management on behalf of the Managing Authority and the project beneficiary institutions and organisations in the tender processes to be carried out for the procurement of services, goods and grants of the projects for which the Action Document/ Operation Identification Sheet has been approved; to forward relevant parties the documents specified in the Implementation Agreement to be signed with the Managing Authority, the Institution Responsible for Financial Control and the project’s beneficiary institutions/organisations,

ğ) to monitor the implementation processes of the projects, whose tender processes have been completed and contracts have been signed under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Financial Assistance, on behalf of the Managing Authority; to fulfil the tasks specified in the Implementation Agreement to be signed with the Managing Authority, the Institution Responsible for Financial Control and the project’s beneficiary organisations in this context,

h) To perform other tasks such as payment transactions, notification of irregularities, etc. of the contracts whose implementation processes continue, on behalf of the Managing Authority within the periods specified in the Implementation Agreement to be signed with the Managing Authority, the Institution Responsible for Financial Control and the project’s beneficiary institutions/organisations,

ı) to prepare the Workload Analysis for the Managing Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Control under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, to prepare staffing plan, to plan and coordinate recruitment processes, to carry out performance evaluation processes; to take structural measures to ensure the efficient and effective operation of the Management Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Control, to prepare and implement the Rotation Policy,

i) to regularly review and, when necessary, renew the job descriptions of the staff employed at the Institution Responsible for Financial Control and at the Management Authority, to inform the staff about the principles of professional ethics, conflict of interest and separation of duties and to provide all relevant forms in full, to implement policies to ensure staff substitution, to plan and carry out orientation programmes and basic trainings for new personnel,

j) to prepare the annual Training Needs Analysis Report for the personnel of the Managing Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Control, to perform directly the necessary work/to ensure that the necessary work is carried out for this purpose, to develope the training capacity of the Institution Responsible for Financial Control and the Management Authority and to establish a pool of trainers in this context; to plan and implement regular trainings in line with the Ministry’s in-service training policies and the training needs of the Managing Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Control; to evaluate the external training requests as well as the Ministry’s cooperating institutions and organisations and to fulfil the requirements of the requests when necessary,

k) to make all necessary IPA correspondence with the National Authorizing Officer regarding the changes in the organisational and staff structure of the Managing Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Control,

l) to prepare and effectively implement the Communication Strategy and Action Plan under the Operational Programme on behalf of the Managing Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Control,

m) to ensure that all components of the technical assistance projects of which the Directorate General is the beneficiary are carried out in accordance with the relevant agreements and contracts,

n) to prepare and implement training programmes for the personnel of the General Directorate and to provide training materials,

o) to evaluate the training demands and needs of the General Directorate personnel,

ö) to manage the training processes of Assistant Experts,

p) to evaluate internship requests, to carry out internship procedures and to prepare and implement the training programme,

r) to cooperate, when necessary, with relevant institutions, organisations and universities in the organisation of trainings,

s) to perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department of Protocol


Duties of the Department of Protocol are as follows: 

a) to consider the requests for cooperation, except for agreements, made by foreign countries in coordination with related units,

b) to contribute to the country files to be prepared by Private Bureau with regard to overseas visits to be paid by the Minister and Senior Executive and reception of foreign delegations,

c) to submit meeting minutes prepared subsequent to the Ministry’s overseas visits to the Ministries, institutions or organizations concerned,

ç) to establish relations with missions of foreign countries and representative offices of international organizations resident in our country with a view to developing cooperation regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of activity,

d) to share the meeting reports and information notes prepared by the units of the Ministry regarding their meetings on foreign relations with the relevant units and Departments, sending these reports to the Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination to be kept in the documentation centre and forwarding them to the relevant Ministries, institutions and organisations when necessary,

e) to plan travels of the Minister and Senior Executive for overseas visits and to make the necessary technical and logistic arrangements in respect thereof,

f) to take steps with the institutions concerned for the visits of foreign delegations to be paid to the Minister, Senior Executive and General Directorate with a view to ensuring security measures, transport services, accommodation, meals, social activity and other services,

g) to submit appointment requests, invitations and letters addressing the Minister and Senior Executive to the Office of General Directorate; to prepare invitations and letters to be sent by the Minister and Senior Executive and to ensure their transmittal,

ğ) to make the necessary technical and logistic arrangements as regards events such as international meetings, seminars, conferences to be held in our country under the responsibility of the Ministry,

h) to receive ministerial approval for the Ministry’s temporarily assigned personnel for foreign mission within the framework of the Ministry’s Directive on Signature Authorization and Delegation of Authority and to carry out other procedures,

ı) to follow up end-of-mission reports of personnel temporarily assigned abroad, to share them with the units and Departments concerned and to refer them to the Department of Training and Publications for storage in the Documentation Centre,

i) to perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department of Contract Management


Duties of the Department of Contract Management as follows:

a) to prepare the tender dossiers for the procurement of services and/or goods components of the operations for which an Action Document/Operation Identification Sheet has been approved under the European Union’s IPA Programme in accordance with the Practical Guide on Contract Procedures for European Union External Actions (PRAG),

b) to manage/complete the publishing, tender collection, registration and evaluation processes of the tenders for services and/or goods for which tender dossiers are approved under IPA Programme in accordance with PRAG rules,

c) to prepare the contracts of the tenders under IPA Programme in accordance with PRAG rules,

ç) to work with the relevant Units in the preparation of documents such as “Procurement Plan”, “Procurement Management Plan” and “Action Plan”,

d) to establish Grant Programmes (Calls for Proposals) for operations for which the Action Document/Operation Identification Sheet has been approved and which include a grant component and to prepare grant guidelines under these programmes in accordance with PRAG rules,

e) to conduct negotiations and prepare contracts for operations for which the Action Document/Operation Identification Sheet has been approved and which include direct grant and individual grant components, in accordance with PRAG rules,

f) to provide support to the design and preparation of direct grants under Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance III Programme,

g) to manage/complete the publishing, proposal collection, registration and evaluation processes of the grant programmes in accordance with the approved guidelines in accordance with PRAG rules,

ğ) to prepare the contracts of the grant programmes for which the evaluation process has been completed and approved according to PRAG rules,

h) to manage the approval processes/correspondence with the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye in all of the processes mentioned in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (ğ) and the related internal control process,

ı) to ensure that the operations for which the Operation Description Document has been accepted and the projects for which contracts have been signed and transferred to it at the end of the tender process are carried out in accordance with the contracts and PRAG rules,

i) to ensure that all powers and responsibilities of the Institution Responsible for Financial Management, including contractual approvals and amendments, are properly used and executed on behalf of the Managing Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management during the implementation of the projects,

j) to carry out technical verification activities at the office and/or in the field for the reports/documents submitted by the beneficiaries and/or contractors in order to prove that the project activities are implemented in accordance with the contract,

k) to carry out supportive activities and monitoring activities at the office and/or in the field in order to ensure that the beneficiaries and contractors fulfil their contractual responsibilities for the implementation of the projects activities, achievement of outputs and outcomes,

l) to evaluate the project at project level after project implementation and to carry out impact analysis activities if foreseen,

m) to formally notify the project beneficiary institutions and organisations in order to ensure that they include the necessary co-financing amounts in their annual budgets before the start of budget negotiations and to request funds from the National Fund,

n) to examine the payment requests and financial reports received from contractors and project beneficiary institutions and organisations, to prepare the order of payment or reimbursement note by performing financial verification procedures, and to send the notification letter to contractors and beneficiaries,

o) In order to ensure the availability of funds; to prepare monthly financial reports, annual financial reports, funding request reports, table of possible disbursements, table of estimated disbursements, statements of expenditure on an operation/project basis and to submit them to the National Fund and to monitor disbursements made and funds transferred,

ö) to keep the accounting records of daily transactions, to prepare general ledger, trial balance and detailed trial balance at the end of each month; to prepare balance sheets, reconciliation statements and cash flow statements in addition to the monthly documents in quarterly periods,

p) to develop and maintain the IT infrastructure (system, server, hardware, software, network, network security, e-mail accounts) of the Management Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management and to keep it operational and up-to-date,

r) to eliminate the problems related to the IT infrastructure of the Management Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management,

s) to perform the task of troubleshooting, maintenance and updates of MIS (Monitoring Information System) and PROJEMATIK (Grant Monitoring Information System) software and to fulfil administrative procedures on Electronic Document Management System,

ş) to establish and keep up-to-date user policies for the Managing Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management and to inform the staff of the Institution Responsible for Financial Management,

t) to establish, keep up-to-date and implement backup procedures and policies for the Management Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management,

u) to support the staff of the Management Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management with their daily problems,

ü) to maintain, backup and update the websites for the Management Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management,

v) to fulfil the requirements and make the necessary updates to ensure compliance with the standards required within the scope of information and communication security for the Management Authority and the Institution Responsible for Financial Management; to keep all necessary documents up-to-date within this context,

y) to ensure the control of the Operation Identification Sheet/Action Document, Call for Proposals for Operations, tender and contract files for procurement of services and goods and grant contracts, as well as addendum files for procurement of services and grant contracts whose implementation process continues,

z) to provide feedback to the relevant administrative units to ensure uniformity in the prepared documents,

aa) to participate in the evaluation process of service and goods procurement tenders and grant calls as an observer,

bb) to prepare a Table of Objections regarding the documents submitted for prior approval of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye and to forward it to the NAO Support Office,

çç) to perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department of International Organizations


Duties of the Department of International Organizations are as follows:

a) to conduct activities arising from relations with international organizations regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility, to draw up reports on the agreements to which the Ministry is a party and to submit them to the organizations concerned,

b) to issue written and oral responsive statements on the reports submitted when necessary, within the framework of control mechanisms of international organizations,

c) to present views for and contribute to legislative efforts within the framework of international agreements,

ç) to perform works on the conformity of relevant Turkish legislation with the international agreements to which our country is a party upon demands of the Ministry’s units,

d)  to prepare responses to complaints lodged to international organizations by national and international trade unions and non-governmental organizations on implementations regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility,

e) to take part in committee activities of international organizations regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility and to put forth official opinions in these committees,

f) to prepare the Ministry’s opinion on documents drawn up by international organizations,

g) to review, prepare opinion on international agreements planned to become a party to, within the scope of the Ministry’s field of activity and to transmit the information on the agreements regarding which becoming a party has been given assent to the Department of Agreements,

ğ) to organize events such as seminars, conferences etc. with national and international institutions and organizations or to attend meetings of this kind,

h) to prepare files on international organizations and their relations with our country and our Ministry,

ı) to forward all kinds of reports submitted to international organisations and information on international documents to which Türkiye is a party to the Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination for processing into the data bank; to forward such reports and documents and outputs such as meeting reports and information notes related to international organisations to the Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination to be kept in the documentation centre; to contribute to the efforts coordinated by the Department for Services for Citizens Abroad with the aim of safeguarding the rights and interests of our citizens living abroad or returnees, arising from their working life abroad, social security and international law,

i) to contribute to the country files to be prepared by Private Bureau with regard to overseas visits to be paid by the Minister and Senior Executive and reception of foreign delegations,

j) to  perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department of Management Services


Duties of the Department of Management Services are as follows:

a) to carry out all kinds of transactions and procedures belonging to the personnel assigned abroad and within the Central Organization,

b) to prepare and conduct training programmes for personnel assigned to permanent duties abroad,

c) to carry out salary, office hours, deputation, bonus and per diem allowance procedures belonging to the personnel of General Directorate and to pay SSI deductions,

ç) to conduct transactions relating to medical report, leave, passport etc. belonging to the personnel of Central Organization and Organization abroad,

d) to carry out procedures relating to personnel recruitment and to follow up their thesis and examination processes,

e) to prepare the budget of General Directorate,

f) to purchase all kinds of goods, materials and services for the General Directorate; to carry out procedures with regard to movables, namely office equipment and to get their maintenance/repair done,

g) to transfer advance (administrative allowance) with the aim of providing purchase of goods, materials and services for the Ministry’s Organization abroad, considering the demands of the units concerned, to ensure settlement of the account following the audit of expenditures to be offset,

ğ) to determine accountants of the units abroad and to carry out the transactions relating to administrative allowances,

h) to carry out the procedures of salary, travelling allowance for permanent duty and per diem allowance along with insurance and treatment costs belonging to permanently employed and contracted personnel abroad,

ı) to carry out income tax transactions of contracted personnel abroad,

i) to follow up accounting procedures belonging to movable records of the units abroad,

j) to carry out procedures of payment of fees relating to memberships of international organizations,

k) to carry out procedures for covering representation and hosting expenses relating to foreign visits paid by the General Directorate,

l) to ensure effective and accurate utilization of the Ministry’s corporate identity at the General Directorate,

m) to duly save the documents to be processed by General Directorate in electronic media by performing project-related duties by acting as the unit in charge within the scope of Electronic Document Management System and refer them to the Office of General Directorate, to refer documents to be transmitted after both saving them in electronic media and making their physical record,

n) To carry out the procedures relating to documents classified as confidential and to be exclusively retained,

o) To carry out retention, classification, sorting and disposal procedures belonging to documents of the General Directorate in accordance with the relevant legislation in force,

ö) To perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination


Duties of the Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination are as follows:

a) to follow up and report the services rendered by the missions abroad within the framework of the Ministry’s policies for our citizens living abroad,

b) to follow up, analyse monthly and annual reports prepared by foreign units and evaluate the outcomes to enhance service quality, to compile and prepare statistical data for use,

c) to follow up, examine and evaluate end-of-foreign mission assessment reports,

ç) to prepare General Directorate’s annual report in accordance with the annual reports transmitted by the units abroad, which includes the developments and numeric data regarding the issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility and our citizens living abroad,

d) to process the statistical information included in monthly and annual reports of the units abroad in Data Bank, to archive these reports along with end-of-foreign mission assessment reports,

e) to follow up implementation of the Action Plans put into effect by the missions abroad, to examine and assess the reports,

f) to examine and assess all kinds of meeting minutes relating to seminars, conferences etc. organized or attended by the units abroad, to transmit the outcomes to relevant Departments and units of the Ministry,

g) to create and manage Data Bank within the structure of General Directorate,

ğ) to process the data received from Departments in the Data Bank,

h) to announce internal and external unit circulars along with legislative arrangements to the missions abroad,

ı)  to transmit information requests of the Ministry’s central organization as well as affiliated and related institutions concerning the implementations, legislation and organizations as interlocutors to the foreign missions concerned,

i) to establish the strategy of General Directorate in accordance with the Ministry’s policies, to create, update and follow up objective and performance indicators,

j) to perform internal audit duties of the General Directorate,

k) to prepare presentations, budget notes and question-answer cards relating to budget talks and to conduct the activities alike,

l) to prepare General Directorate’s annual activity report, to submit it to the Department of Strategy Development,

m) to prepare and update service inventory of the General Directorate,

n) to manage the documentation centre of the General Directorate,

o) to classify all kinds of documents such as files, publications, reports, theses, informative notes, statistics etc. in printed and digital format received or prepared by the General Directorate for storage in the Documentation Centre,

ö) to respond to letters of opinion received from the Ministry’s units and other public and private institutions/organizations,

p) to prepare periodicals, other books and brochures for publication,

r) to perform the works necessary for implementing introductive and informative programs on issues falling within the General Directorate’s field of responsibility,

s) to contribute to the country files to be prepared by Private Bureau with regard to overseas visits to be paid by the Minister and Senior Executive and reception of foreign delegations,

ş) to perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

Department of Services for Citizens Abroad


Duties of the Department for Services for Citizens Abroad are as follows:

a) to exert efforts in order to meet the requests of our citizens abroad relating to their rights and interests and to follow up their demands,

b) to conduct activities with a view to safeguarding the rights and interests of our citizens living abroad or of those having made absolute return to our country, arising from working life abroad, social security and international law,

c) to work in coordination with the Department of International Organizations, Department of Agreements and related units abroad as regards the enforcement of subparagraph (b),

ç) to follow and transmit the judgements rendered by national courts of the countries where our citizens reside and international courts to related units and missions abroad for their utilization in terms of safeguarding and promoting the rights of our citizens,

d) to consider requests for information received from national courts as regards the financial and social status of our citizens living abroad and to respond them through the foreign unit concerned,

e) to carry out notification procedures through embassies and consulates with regard to debts arising from fines and premiums of our citizens living abroad on issues falling within the Ministry’s field of responsibility,

f) to compile the necessary information concerning the law on foreigners, the legislation on labour and social security belonging to target countries determined, notably the countries where the Ministry’s foreign missions are present, to prepare these data as reports and to make them available to those concerned if required,

g) to identify the needs relating to overseas employment, to follow up the policies to be determined by countries in this regard through relevant units abroad and to inform the institutions concerned,

ğ) to follow up overseas contracting services, to maintain cooperation with related institutions and organizations and to consider the demands of Turkish companies and our citizens in respect thereof,

h) to contribute to the country files to be prepared by Private Bureau with regard to overseas visits to be paid by the Minister and Senior Executive and reception of foreign delegations,

ı) to consider requests for information made by citizens, public institutions and organizations, universities and non-governmental organizations regarding our citizens working abroad,

i) to transmit the statistical data on citizen applications to the Department for Missions Abroad and Coordination to be processed in Data Bank,

j) to perform other tasks assigned by the General Directorate.

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