Visit Paid to Our Embassy in the Hague

06 March 2024, Wednesday

Visit Paid to Our Embassy in the Hague

The representatives of the Turkish News and Business Union, senior managers of Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) and a delegation of academics, including Prof. Dr. Yücel UYANIK, who is the Head of the Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations at Hacı Bayram Veli University and is a member of the Advisory Board of our Ministry visited the Netherlands, within the scope of a grant project which is co-financed by the Directorate General for Foreign Relations and European Union (Human Resources Development Operating Structure) within our Ministry and the European Union, and of which the Turkish News and Business Union is a beneficiary.

This included a number of visits to institutions operating within the scope of young people who are neither in education nor employment (NEET). On the last day, Our Embassy in the Hague was also visited. The delegation gave information about the content of the project and the findings obtained within the scope of the visits were shared. It was also stated that the report, which is to be prepared in accordance with the outcomes of the visits and contacts, would be shared with both our Embassy and our Counsellor’s Office. Representatives of our Counsellor’s Office in Hague and the Attaché's Office in Deventer were also present at the visit. Our Counsellor’s Office shared information about the social policy practices in the Netherlands as well as on the activities carried out for the 60th year of labour force agreement.

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