Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR)


Employee Search

Public Employee Search

Public agencies seeking employees can make job postings to İŞKUR or make a choice among the profiles registered in İŞKUR either by registering in the Agency’s online portal directly or sending a request of employee with desired qualifications to the Agency via any kind of communication channels/tools.

Private Sector Employee Search

Private sector workplaces seeking employees can make job postings to İşkur or make a choice among the profiles registered in İŞKUR either by registering in the Agency’s online portal directly or sending a request for employees with desired qualifications to the Agency via any kind of communication channels/tools.

Link: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/employer/employee-search/

Foreign Employment

Services and Processes Related to Foreign Employment

Froeign study processes include meeting the labor demands of Turkish and foreign companies for positions abroad; performing the processes of job-seekers who apply for employment abroad; giving permission for job postings to be made for meeting their labor demands, processes of private employment agencies related to regulation of foreign employment services; regulation and approval of foreign service contracts; and passport procedures of employees and their families.

1 - Principles Related to Foreign Employment Services

  • Works and procedures abroad are conducted by provincial/branch directorates unless otherwise specified. 

  • Registration, labor demands, selection, invitation, and dispatching services are conducted in accordance with the domestic procedures part of the Manual of Procedures unless otherwise specified.

  • It is compulsory for companies to sign the foreign service contract via provincial/branch directorates or private employment agencies or between the employees directly supplied and the representative assigned by them, a copy of which is prepared by the Agency, and have the contract attested by provincial/branch directorates. 

  • Before service contracts are attested, Turkish companies are obliged to submit to provincial/branch directorates the document stating that the employees are provided with social security. 

  • In order for foreign labor demands made to the Agency to be met, provincial/branch directorates are authorized to take necessary precautions as long as they do not violate the principles specified in the regulation.

  • A file is opened for each company that applies for process in provincial/branch directorates.

Foreign Labor DemandsCompanies apply directly to provincial/branch directorates to meet their labor demands from Agency’s records or taking their own employees to the jobs they get from abroad, and have their contracts attested.

Documents to be Submitted by Companies
The companies have to submit the documents specified below to provincial/branch directorates for meeting labor demand or permission for job postings.
Documents to be Requested from Turkish Companies

  • A copy of Commercial registry gazette (for once) 

  • A letter or certificate of job receipt from our foreign representative’s office in the country that the job is taken or from an authorized public agency in our country for contracting jobs. 

  • For the jobs other than contracting jobs, a letter from our foreign representative specifying the number of employees to be employed or the original Assent Document or a fax sent by our foreign representative’s office. 

  • Certificate for Contracting Abroad or Certificate for Temporary Contracting Abroad (This certificate is not required for Iraq from the countries determined by the General Directorate) to be obtained from the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement Construction, establishment, maintenance, repair jobs; business administration, management, maintenance and sustainment jobs; project, engineering, consultancy jobs. 

  • A document stating that the companies provide social security to employees in accordance with the social security regulations in force. 

  • Signatory circulars of company authorities as attested by notary public, letter of attorney or the original certificate of authority or its copy to be attested by the Agency upon the original being seen (for once) in case the procedures are to be conducted by a representative. Permission for Foreign Worker Importation – Şerut Ha Taassuka issued by Israel General Directorate of Employment and attested by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Only for companies in Israel)

Documents Requested from Foreign Companies

Copy of company’s articles of incorporation as attested by our foreign representative’s office or its translation to Turkish made by a certified translation agency (for once) 

  • A letter or certificate of job receipt from our foreign representative’s office in the country that the job is taken or from an authorized public agency in our country for contracting jobs. For the jobs other than contracting jobs, a letter from our foreign representative specifying the number of employees to be employed or the original Assent Document or a fax sent by our foreign representative’s office. 

  • Contractor Employment License issued by Israel Association of Contractors and Constructors (only for companies getting a job from Israel) 

  • Letter of Attorney – Ipuy Koah issued by the Israeli company for importing employee from Turkey (Only from companies getting jobs in Israel) 

3 - Granting Job Posting Permission for Labor Demands

  • Companies that have submitted the documents indicated in 3.7.1 (Except the document related to provision of social security) and 3.7.2, and the text of the job posting to be published are granted job posting permission by provincial/branch directorates to let them meet their labor needs by newspapers, the Internet or similar media. However, the job posting includes information on the provincial/branch office that granted the permission, and date and number of the permission are indicated. 

  • On the other hand, in case a contract related to the job taken abroad is not signed yet, and submission of a document (such as correspondence between the contractor and the employee) stating that the job is taken to the provincial/branch directorate, necessary evaluations are made by the provincial/branch directorate, and a permission for job listing may be granted for recruitment of a person for managerial position as a preparation for the job taken. 

  • The companies have to apply to provincial/branch directorates with a copy of the job listing, and, the Turkish text should be provided, as well, if the job listing is to be published in a foreign language. 

  • Duration of the job listing permission to be granted cannot be longer than the duration of the job. Multiple job listings can be posted as long as they are about the same job and the text is the same as the text of the permission granted. 

  • In case of differences between the text of the published job listing and the text they submit to provincial/branch directorates, the company is asked to have the job listing re-posted, and another job listing is not permitted in case of a repeated incoherence.

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/employer/foreign-employment/

Short-Term Employment Allowance

Short-term employment is defined as temporal shortening of the employment period in the whole or part of the workplace by at least one-thirds or complete or partial suspension of operation for at least four weeks without the condition of continuation not longer than three months.

What are the Conditions of Requesting Short-Term Employment? 
An employer who reduces the working period by one-thirds or suspends the operation completely or partially for at least four weeks without any condition of continuation in the whole or part of the workplace makes a written notification to Turkish Employment Agency or the labor union that is party to the collective labor agreement, if any. The employees are also notified of this situation by announcement in workplace. 

General Financial Crisis 
Situations which arise in national or international economy and affect the economy, and thus, the businesses seriously. 

Regional Crisis 
Situations which cause the businesses operating in a certain province or region to be affected seriously in financial terms due to national or international events.

Sectorial Crisis 
Situations in which the sectors directly affected from national and international economic crises, and other sectors related to directly-affected sectors are shocked seriously.

Forces Majeure
Causes such as earthquakes, fires, floods, epidemics, mobility, etc. which are not based on employer’s conducts, and which cannot be predicted and thus are impossible to avert, and result in temporary shortening of working time or complete or partial suspension of operations. (External causes such as the uprising in Libya, tsunami or earthquake in Japan are within the scope of this reason.)

Short Employment Request
The Employer prepares a Short Employment Request Form, and reports it to Turkish Employment Agency. Short employment request of the employer is firstly evaluated by the Agency in terms of its reason and form.

In case of the presence of general economic, sectorial or regional crisis or a claim by employee or employer unions or strong signs in this respect, it is resolved by the Agency’s Board of Directors.

Applications that are found to be filed for reasons such as a general financial, sectorial, or regional crisis or cash insolvency, payment difficulties, market shrinkage or stock increase without taking above decisions and not in accordance with the forces majeure are rejected by the Agency.

Other processes regarding the determination of short employment application and conformity are determined by the Agency.

Notification of Employer’s Short Employment Result 
Result of investigation is reported to the employer. The employer announces the result in the workplace that can be seen by the employees, and reports it to the labor union party to the collective labor agreement. In case of failure of announcement to employees, a written notification is made to the employees subject to short employment. An employer whose short employment request is approved updates and submits the Short Employment Notification List within the period determined by the Agency.

Conditions for Short Employment Allowance
In order for an employee to benefit from the short employment allowance;

  • Short employment request of the employer should be approved by the Agency, 
    § In accordance with the Article 50 of the law no. 4447, employees should be entitled to unemployment allowance in terms of their employment period and the amount of days of unemployment insurance payment by the date of the commencement of short employment (Of those who have paid premium for the last 120 days and constantly worked before the commencement of short employment, those who have paid unemployment insurance premium for at least 600 days in the last three years).

    Amount of daily short employment allowance is 60% of daily gross average earning calculated by taking into consideration the earnings of the insurant for the last twelve months subject to premium, not exceeding 150% of the gross amount of monthly minimum wage for those older than 16 years of age in accordance with the article 39 of the Labor Law no. 4857 dated 22/5/2003. Short employment allowance is paid in accordance with the article 50 of the law no. 4447 as long as not violating the Supplementary article 2 of the same Law.

    Period of short employment allowance is as long as the short employment period not more than 3 months.

    Short employment allowance is calculated monthly for periods of unemployment as covering the weekly working time in a workplace.

    Short employment allowance is paid over the de-facto duration of short employment on the condition that it shall not exceed the time specified in the assessment of conformity in accordance with the effects of economic developments on the operations of the workplace.

    In case of short employment in the workplace due to forces majeure, payments begin after the one-week period provided in the item (III) of the article 24, and in the article 40 of the Law no. 4857.

    If an employee who benefits from the short employment allowance is made redundant without the conditions provided in the article 50 of the Law no. 4447 being realized, they benefit from the unemployment allowance until they complete the period of the unemployment allowance they were formerly entitled to, after the deduction of short employment allowance.

    Short employment allowance is paid to the employee as a wage at the end of each month.

    Short employment allowance cannot be transferred or assigned to another person apart except subsistence debts.

    Overpayments made due to false information or document of are collected with their legal rate of interest from the employer in case of employer’s fault, and from the employee in case of employee’s fault.

Payment of General Health Insurance Premiums

The iThe insurance contribution to be paid for the period that the employee received short employment allowance in accordance with the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Act no. 5510 dated 31/5/2006 is transferred to the Social Security Institution by Unemployment Insurance Fund. These contributions are calculated over the minimum earning limit based on for the calculation of insurance contributions. Short- and long-term insurance contributions are not transferred in the said term.

Suspension of Short Employment Allowance

If, in workplaces where short employment practice continues, the employer is found to submit false information or documents about the working time of the employees who receive short employment allowance and in case of written request of Agency’s inspectors, short employment allowance is suspended with the number of misinformed employees taken into consideration.

Cancellation of Short Employment Allowance

If the receiver of the allowance is recruited, starts to get old-age pension, drafted to army for any reason, leave job for any duty arising from a law or starts to receive incapacity pension, short employment allowance is cancelled by the date of the health certificate subject to the incapacity pension. 

Record Keeping Obligation of Employer

The employer of short employment is obliged to keep records of employees regarding their working time and present them when requested.

Early End of Short Employment

If the employer decides to return to normal operation before the announced time, they are obliged to report this situation in written to Agency’s unit, to the labor union party to the collective labor agreement, if any, and to workers six workdays before the ending time. Short employment ends by the date stated in this notification. Improper payments arising from late notification are collected from the employer with the rate of interest. 


LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/employer/short-term-employment-allowance/

Labor Table

When should we submit the Monthly Labor Table?

It is the duty of our Agency to compile, analyze, interpret and publish labor market data on local and national basis, set up Labor Market Board of Information Consultancy and coordinate the works of the Board, carry out labor needs analyses to determine labor supply and demand” pursuant to the article 3/b of Turkish Employment Agency Law no. 4904.

"In accordance with the article 21 of the law no. 4904, “it is compulsory to provide information within the specified time, when information about employment and labor is requested from public and private workplaces by the Agency.”

In accordance with this article, it is compulsory to publish a month’s labor table (each month) of workplaces within the first week of the following month on the Agency website.

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/employer/labor-table/

Counselling for Employers

“İŞKUR’s full support for Employer”
Every Job and Vocational Counsellor has a portfolio of employers and it is established considering the sector, size and geographical location of a workplace. Workplaces of all different sizes and from all sectors are equally included in this portfolio.

Job and Vocational Counsellors visit employers included in their portfolios and assist them with regard to introducing İŞKUR services, receiving demand for labour force and carrying out operations related to İŞKUR.

Job and Vocational Counsellors assume the task of bringing together supply and demand sides of labour market by means of meeting the demands of employers who need qualified personnel. They provide a significant service to enable sustainable employment via meeting employers’ needs.

The Human Resources (HR) Platform has been established in the framework of Counselling for Employers. This platform is a specialised service of Counselling for Employers and its target group is workplaces that have a human resources department and minimum 10 employees. Through this platform, meetings, trainings and organisations are held by contacting Human Resources managers or employers of the firms in a closer and more effective way. Thanks to this platform, contact information of the managers/HR authorities of the HR Platform member firms in the provinces is updated. In this way, employers are informed in detail about the services of the Agency.

Job and Vocational Counsellors not only meet current needs of employers but also create a road map for them by determining the occupations they will need in future.

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/employer/counselling-for-employers/


Job Search

Those who are looking for a job as a worker in Public Institutions or Private Sector Companies can register on the system via either the Online Branch or the nearest Provincial Directorate of İŞKUR. After signing up with their curriculum vitae, one can do the following on the Online Branch:

1. Access the job listings that match their personal information,

  1. Search for domestic job lists by entering various criteria, and apply for the vacant jobs that match their personal skills,
  2. Search for the job lists abroad by uploading various criteria, and directly contact the employers who want to transfer workforce to their workplaces abroad by reaching their contact details,
  3. Access other job lists such as civil servant positions, etc. which are not included above.

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/job-seeker/job-search/

Vocational Training Courses

Are those who have completed the Employment-Guaranteed Training Courses obliged to be employed?

At least 50% of the attendants who successfully complete the employment-guaranteed training courses are employed by the cooperated organization.

What are the activities intended for the handicapped?

Vocational training courses are organized to provide the handicapped who have any occupation, knowledge and skills in professions according to their interests, needs, and talents in order to help them to become recruited or work independently.

What are the activities intended for the convicted?

Vocational training courses are organized for the convicted. Also in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and non-governmental organizations, vocational training courses are organized for the convicts who are to be released in short time in order to facilitate their employment after being released.

What are the costs of training courses organized by service purchasing?

  • The costs specified below can be paid in Vocational Training courses.
  • Obligatory payments to trainees 
    Service cost per individual
  • Insurance contribution costs of short-term occupational accidents and occupational illnesses

Which qualifications are required to attendvocational training courses?

  • To be older than 15 years,
  • Primary school graduates (Those who completed elementary school before 16/8/1997 are considered primary school graduates.)
  • Having appropriate qualities for the occupation they would make progress in,
  • Having the qualities required by the employer,
  • Being in the status of available unemployed,

Are trainees required to make a payment for vocational training courses?

Vocational training courses are free of charge and trainees are not required to make a payment.

Is attendance compulsory in vocational training courses?

Attendance is compulsory. Those with acceptable excuses can receive a written permission for leave from the trainer/teacher. However, in case this period of permission of a trainee exceeds 1/10 of total course period for any reason except a maximum 5-day leave for health concerns, he/she is discharged.

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/job-seeker/vocational-training-courses/

Unemployment Insurance

Description of Unemployment Insurance
It is a compulsory insurance which operates with insurance technique that partially compensates income losses of people for a certain period who lose their jobs while working in a workplace, out of their intention and fault despite their will, ability, health and competence for working.


  • Insured employees working with a labour contract,
  • Insured employees working with bank funds,
  • If desired;
    Insured employees working with a part-time labour contract,
  • Those working in taxi, dolmush and similar public transportation services and those who are employed by one or more than one person with part-time labour contract and whose working days are less than 10 days in a month in the workplace they are employed in the fields determined by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Amount of Unemployment Insurance Premium
Unemployment insurance premium is taken as 1% insurance holder, 2% employer and 1% from state share from the premium based on monthly gross earnings of insured persons. For those who pay voluntarily unemployment premium, holder’s share is 1% and employer’s share is 2%.

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/job-seeker/unemployment-insurance/

Job and Vocational Counseling

“Hope for Job Seekers, Confidence for Employers, Support for Students: Job and Vocational Counselling…”

Job and Vocational Counselling is employment based counselling service for job seekers, employers and students. Within the scope of these services, students are supported in choosing their vocations, job seekers registered in İŞKUR are supported in job finding, solving their vocational adjustment problems, developing their vocational skills, changing their professions/jobs; employers are informed regarding legislation and their labour force demands are met.

“Everyone has a Job and Vocational Counsellor”
In order that Job and Vocational Counsellors deliver more efficient services for job seekers, employers and students, job seeker, employer and student portfolios are designated to each job and vocational counsellor and the counsellors are ensured to render those services by portfolio management, thus every job seeker, employer and school have a counsellor. Through job and vocational counselling services, by comparing characteristics of people and qualifications and requirements of the vocation and the job, people are systematically assisted in choosing the most appropriate job and vocation according to their will and situation, placing in job and ensuring their vocational adjustment and solving related problems.

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/job-seeker/job-and-vocational-counseling/

On-the-Job Training Programs

On-the-Job Training Programs
Programs intended for training the unemployed on the job.
How long do On-the-Job Training Programs last?
• Maximum 40 hours per week and for a maximum of 6 months.

What are the requirements for participation in On-the-Job Training Programs?
• To be unemployed and registered to the agency,
• Not being a student,
• To be older than 15,

Possible Costs of On-the-Job Training Programs
• Essential costs of trainees
• Occupational Accident and Illness Insurance Premium 
• General Health Insurance Premium

LINK: https://www.iskur.gov.tr/en/job-seeker/on-the-job-training-programs/

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