Brief History

Brief History of Ministry of Labour and Social Security

Right after the Ministry of Labour was established by Presidential decree No. 4/591 dated 7 June 1945 on the bill of the Prime Minister dated 7 June 1945 and numbered 6-376/6 based on Article 1 of the Law No. 3271 on the Separation of State Departments into Ministries, Law No. 4763 dated 22 June 1945 on the Establishment and Duties of the Ministry of Labour was enacted.

Law No. 4763 dated 22 June 1945 concerning the Establishment and Duties of the Ministry of Labour has made a broader mission than Law No. 4763 and put in order in relation to field service and central organization.

Afterwards, with the Presidential Decree No. 4-1040 dated 17.11.1974 the Ministry of Social Security was established, and the Social Insurance Institution and BAĞ-KUR (Social Security Organization for Artisans and Self-Employed) were affiliated to this Ministry.

With the Decree Law No. 184 and dated 13 December 1983 concerning the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Social Security were united and reorganized as the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Decree Law No. 184 abolished Law No. 4841, as well.

The Decree Law on amending certain provisions of the Decree Law concerning the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Decree Law No. 184 concerning the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security was amended and Law No. 3146 came into force on 09.01.1985.

Later on, by restructuring the Ministry with the Decree-Law No. 618 came into force on October 4, 2000, Social Security Institution Presidency, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety were established and General Directorate of Foreign Relations and Missions Abroad Services was restructured.

Missions Abroad of our Ministry was created as a result of the need arising from the regular Turkish labour dispatch to industrialized European countries developing since the early 1960s as a new feature for our country.

On the purpose of the Turkish workforce going to other European countries, particularly the Federal Republic of Germany, to be supported by the government in a different and foreign social environment and different living conditions and to find a way to their problems, it has been decided to establish Labour Counselors in the presence of our Embassies in the countries where they are located and Labour Attachés within the body of our Consulates General.

As part of the transition process to the Presidential Government System with the Decree Law No. 703 in 2018 the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services was established combined with Ministry of Family and Social Policies and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Ministry were determined by Presidential Decree No. 1.

Ministry of Family and Social Services and The Ministry of Labour and Social Security were established with the Presidential Decree regarding the establishment of the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security published in the Official Gazette No. 31461, dated April 21, 2021 and amending certain presidential decrees Regarding the Conduct of Public Personnel Procedures.

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