Within the scope of our Directorate General's field of activity, a working visit was made to the United Kingdom between 05-09 June 2023

15 June 2023, Thursday

Within the scope of our Directorate General's field of activity, a working visit was made to the United Kingdom between 05-09 June 2023

Within the scope of our Directorate General's field of activity, a working visit was made to the United Kingdom between 05-09 June 2023.

Within the scope of the visit, Turkish Embassy in London, Turkish Consulate General in London, International Organization for Migration UK Office (IOM United Kingdom), UK Home Office, UK Office for National Statistics, Oxford University and Innovation Centre, UK Recognition Authority. (ECCTIS-UK ENIC), Migration Advisory Committee, Migrants' Rights Network and Turkish business people were visited and the work and procedures regarding work permits of foreigners in the UK, the rights and obligations provided to foreigners, qualified Discussions were held on attracting labor force to the country, brain drain/reverse brain drain and employing foreigners to work in seasonal agriculture.

As a result of the meetings, many important issues were discussed, including the development of qualified workforce in Turkey and attracting qualified capital and qualified workforce to our country, development of international workforce policies specifically for workforce mobility between the two countries, processing of statistical data, ensuring data security, adaptation of those coming to the country as foreign workforce. Useful information was obtained on the subjects of international students and international students.

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